Kindergarten Goals
- Learn to recognize the numerals 0 through 9.
- Know that numbers have an order and be able to count easily.
- Relate numbers to quantities in real life.
- Know comparative measurement terms.
- Develop a vocabulary for the names of common geometric shapes.
- Know that quantities of items can be measured and the measurement can be expressed as a number.
- Recognize that recurring patterns occur in real life.
- Begin to manipulate numbers by simple addition and subtraction.
- Recognize the meaning of addition and subtraction.
The interactive lessons on the CD help students learn some of the necessary math
facts and techniques. More important and valuable lessons occur when the student
learns to use math in normal daily activities. This reinforces the idea that math
is not just an abstract exercise done at school but a valuable tool that is used
many times each day. Examples of the use of math in daily activities include:
- Money transactions
- Telling time
- Using a calendar
- Measuring quantities
- Finding patterns and using the pattern to predict what comes next.